This week found a good place to go running and like being in a normal routine again. Its just a good half hour run and there are lots of people out an about walking and rollerblading, it reminds me of the iron horse trail! At the internet company, work is much more interesting now that I have Annalise in the same room as me. We just talk and laugh and we are in the same room as the big boss. He doesn't care though and really I don't care that much if he does! He has been giving us boring work this week so its serves him right...its so brainless that it is very easy to multitask. I went out for ice cream with my Argentine friend Felipe on Monday night and I had a long conversation with him about how financing is better than paying for everything in cash (because they pay for everything in only cash here) I felt like my college education was coming to use! spanish and finances...
I went out with Annalise on Wednesday to Liquid, the wonderful place that serves free beer for three whole hours. We had a blast with all my coworkers and I am really so thankful that I work for the companies I do...I met some friends at the internet one and am learning lots and with Argentina Exchange, i always have places to go, things to do. Annalise is a fun going out buddy but is hard to keep track of! The next day at work we were laughing a little too much about the night before and I think our boss does not know what to think of us.
Over the weekend we went out with the work friends again, and then had a pool party for Valentines day at Nicole's place. It was mostly americans besides Ariane and her german friend that was staying with us, and it was a really nice day. We "bbqed" ie made some hamburgers on her stovetop and hung out. It didn't feel like Valentines day but that was ok...the only valentine i had was my flower man from the subte who gave me a rose:) I got into a little fight with Arianes friend who was staying with us because he kept turning off the air conditioning since it was right next to him and making him cold, but I kept waking up in a sweat. So I told him he needed to use an extra blanket or something because I was not going to sleep badly in my own apartment. He told me that I could sleep on the couch if I wanted and that did not go over to well with me. This visitor that is getting a free stay telling me to sleep on the couch. He made a dramatic scene and put on his winter coat and his flannel pants to sleep in. ugg he annoyed me. We finished the weekend having great chinese food in china town and the unwanted visitor finally leaving!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
La vida de una porteña: Semana 5
Our visitor left, and we started another week of work. It was Ariane’s birthday week and her parents asked me to get her 40 multi colored roses (20 from each parent for her 20th) and a chocolate cake. I made a deal with my flower man that is out in front of the subte everyday and he actually pulled through for me. I think it restored some faith that Argentine’s can do things on time when they have motivation. I searched all over for the perfect cake and found one with chocolate cake on the bottom, creamy dulce de leche in the middle, and meringue on top. Mmm good. Nothing like a really good dessert, especially since my meal out was not as good as I was hoping for.
I did have to go to the post office for the first time since my last experience, but it was very uneventful, and I managed to get my package from auntie. Friday, Ariane and I shopped. One might wonder how I can shop when I am on such a tight budget, but I justify it by bringing my lunch everyday and cooking at home and with my savings, buy clothes! Friday night we went out to celebrate her birthday since she works early and couldn’t on her actual bday. We went to our bar, Sugar, and I took my new intern friend with me, Annalise. She is from DC and we saw our other intern friend, Ryan, who is also from the states, and that night was the first night in a while that I drank like an American. Don’t really know if that is a good thing considering I managed to not do much of anything that next day, but it was fun of course.
I was determined to find good pizza since it is a rare occurrence in this country, so Ariane and I went out with an Argentine that she had met the night before and he took us to a great place. The pizza was a thin crust (which is neverrrr found here) and was more gourmet. And the dessert was simply to die for. I was eating great food with not so great company. The argentine was pretty boring and Ariane was tired and didn’t care to talk to the guy so I was just sitting there making conversation out of thin air. Then he would hum really badly during awkward silences to make it all the more awkward. Oh well, at least I practiced Spanish and I know where to go again with better company.
Our excuse to not go out with him was because we were going to Peru Beach the next day. It was true, but we went at about 1. This beach was not the beach I would think of since it is grass next to a muddy river, but you can learn wind and kite surfing. They had no spots left, so we signed up for next week. We just hung out on the grass though with Ariane, Annalise, and her friend from college, Jake. That night I found china town and went into one of the grocery stores and found big sushi rolls still in the burrito like form for 8 pesos. Then I also found black beans which are no where to be found in this country. I was in heaven and ended my day happily eating sushi even though, yet again, I got some random patches of sunburn.
I did have to go to the post office for the first time since my last experience, but it was very uneventful, and I managed to get my package from auntie. Friday, Ariane and I shopped. One might wonder how I can shop when I am on such a tight budget, but I justify it by bringing my lunch everyday and cooking at home and with my savings, buy clothes! Friday night we went out to celebrate her birthday since she works early and couldn’t on her actual bday. We went to our bar, Sugar, and I took my new intern friend with me, Annalise. She is from DC and we saw our other intern friend, Ryan, who is also from the states, and that night was the first night in a while that I drank like an American. Don’t really know if that is a good thing considering I managed to not do much of anything that next day, but it was fun of course.
I was determined to find good pizza since it is a rare occurrence in this country, so Ariane and I went out with an Argentine that she had met the night before and he took us to a great place. The pizza was a thin crust (which is neverrrr found here) and was more gourmet. And the dessert was simply to die for. I was eating great food with not so great company. The argentine was pretty boring and Ariane was tired and didn’t care to talk to the guy so I was just sitting there making conversation out of thin air. Then he would hum really badly during awkward silences to make it all the more awkward. Oh well, at least I practiced Spanish and I know where to go again with better company.
Our excuse to not go out with him was because we were going to Peru Beach the next day. It was true, but we went at about 1. This beach was not the beach I would think of since it is grass next to a muddy river, but you can learn wind and kite surfing. They had no spots left, so we signed up for next week. We just hung out on the grass though with Ariane, Annalise, and her friend from college, Jake. That night I found china town and went into one of the grocery stores and found big sushi rolls still in the burrito like form for 8 pesos. Then I also found black beans which are no where to be found in this country. I was in heaven and ended my day happily eating sushi even though, yet again, I got some random patches of sunburn.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
La vida de una porteña: Semana 4
Already almost a month into this life! But still have trouble dealing with some argentine ways...I woke up early to go teach my cab driver friend english and he just doesn't show up, call, nothing. Then I got up early for the second time for no reason. I decided to try to pick up my brazil visa but once I got there, I found out it can only be picked up between 12 and 1. I left work at 12 and it took an hour since the line was so long. Then I went to pick up my purse that I ordered and I guess they sold it to someone else. I kinda yelled at the guy at the purse store, even though it really wasn't that big of a deal because they could make me a new one by thursday, but I just was fed up with everything working in a way that I do not understand in this country! That night we went to la bomba del tiempo which is the drum show that goes on every Monday night. It was fun, just like it always is.
Wednesday night I ended up hanging out with a friend from SCU that was in Buenos Aires as a stop on his trip. I took him to a bar with my work...Liquid...that has free beer on wednesday nights and I have free passes for a drink and to cut the line. It was funny cuz he was all impressed that i was so well connected in this city! I like that aspect of my job:) Another night of dancing, but I made it home before three since I had to work the next day.
I managed to 'work from home' friday so I could go to the beach for the weekend. I did do a little bit of work...enough at least. We got on the five hour bus ride to mar del plata and arrived at a not so lovely hostel. The shower was in the same place as the toilet and I really think the carpets were moldy because it smelled not good at all. We went to the beach that day and I have never seen so many people at one beach in my life. Everyone is there, all ages, all sizes, all in bikinis when most should not be, and all drinking mate. I really can't understand that mate part considering it is so hot already and they are drinking a hot drink. We went to a nice restaurant on the port for dinner and we found out earlier that Ariane was given a fake $50 AR from the bank so we managed to give it to the man at the restaurant. He was a horrible waiter anyways, but really everyone is using conterfeit money around here. I can't believe that even banks give it out too. Hopefully, they do it unknowingly, but who knows. We had ice cream after and the guy screwed up my ice cream twice and threw them awa both times, I really do not think that I am that unclear! The next day we shopped during the morning since it was not very nice outside and my search for a swimsuit did not go so well. Most swimsuits have the smallest bottoms ever, or they are thongs. So much for buying an exciting swimsuit in south america. We tried to go to the beach later but it was simply too windy so we ended us napping/ reading in the park. At night we went to a really good restaurant called Olivo and they even gave us free champagne. We were suggested a street where to go out so we went. We met some argentines that took us to another club where we dance cumbia all night...its fun for a little but not for allll night. It was different than being in BA though because we were noticably foreigners. In BA there are so many foreigners that no one really knows who is from here and who is not. The next day we spent at the beach where I got nice and burned even though I had sunscreen on...the sun is a little strong for me! We got home late that night since the bus was almost 2 hours late in arriving in Mar del plata and so I missed the superbowl, but its ok. I think next year all those fun traditions will be even more fun since I have had a year off!
Wednesday night I ended up hanging out with a friend from SCU that was in Buenos Aires as a stop on his trip. I took him to a bar with my work...Liquid...that has free beer on wednesday nights and I have free passes for a drink and to cut the line. It was funny cuz he was all impressed that i was so well connected in this city! I like that aspect of my job:) Another night of dancing, but I made it home before three since I had to work the next day.
I managed to 'work from home' friday so I could go to the beach for the weekend. I did do a little bit of work...enough at least. We got on the five hour bus ride to mar del plata and arrived at a not so lovely hostel. The shower was in the same place as the toilet and I really think the carpets were moldy because it smelled not good at all. We went to the beach that day and I have never seen so many people at one beach in my life. Everyone is there, all ages, all sizes, all in bikinis when most should not be, and all drinking mate. I really can't understand that mate part considering it is so hot already and they are drinking a hot drink. We went to a nice restaurant on the port for dinner and we found out earlier that Ariane was given a fake $50 AR from the bank so we managed to give it to the man at the restaurant. He was a horrible waiter anyways, but really everyone is using conterfeit money around here. I can't believe that even banks give it out too. Hopefully, they do it unknowingly, but who knows. We had ice cream after and the guy screwed up my ice cream twice and threw them awa both times, I really do not think that I am that unclear! The next day we shopped during the morning since it was not very nice outside and my search for a swimsuit did not go so well. Most swimsuits have the smallest bottoms ever, or they are thongs. So much for buying an exciting swimsuit in south america. We tried to go to the beach later but it was simply too windy so we ended us napping/ reading in the park. At night we went to a really good restaurant called Olivo and they even gave us free champagne. We were suggested a street where to go out so we went. We met some argentines that took us to another club where we dance cumbia all night...its fun for a little but not for allll night. It was different than being in BA though because we were noticably foreigners. In BA there are so many foreigners that no one really knows who is from here and who is not. The next day we spent at the beach where I got nice and burned even though I had sunscreen on...the sun is a little strong for me! We got home late that night since the bus was almost 2 hours late in arriving in Mar del plata and so I missed the superbowl, but its ok. I think next year all those fun traditions will be even more fun since I have had a year off!
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