Tuesday, January 27, 2009

La vida de una porteña: Semana 3

I went back to living by myself for the week, which again didn't mind too much. It definitely helps me go to the gym more often! Nothing too exciting happened during the week but I did have a lovely visitor in my silverware drawer: a cockroach! Ugg it was so gross and freaked me out so much. On thursday I had to go grocery shopping since I was going to make tacos for my coworkers at Argentina Exchange, so I didn't go to the gym..i could have but didn't feel like it. The next day my friend at the gym said, "where were you yesterday??" I told her i just couldn't force myself to and she said you have to come everyday! Everything starts falling when you get to thirty! Gotta come everyday!" So i have someone holding me accountable at least...

Friday at work I made tacos for the gang. The french girls that work there didn't know what they were so they didn't try them. The french girls I work with are definitely not making a good name for themselves but maybe they will grow on me. Well, everyone else liked my tacos and I think that was a good way to get in with the work crowd!

I had an interesting adventure to get my debit card that dad sent me in the mail. He forgot to put the apartment number so I had to the UPS station and pick it up. I noticed just by the people that were on the train with me that I was going to a more dangerous area. I got off and found my newest stand for pirated movies! They were $1 US just like the ones I bought in Peru. But the ones here, were the movies that are still in the theater. So I made out with 6 new movies but while I was there the guy told me that I should take my silver necklace off. This necklace was tiny and not even worth much but he told me there was a good chance someone could rip it off my neck, so I believed him. I walked the blocks to UPS cluching my purse with my life considering I had my laptop in it but all was good. And the men at UPS were so refreshingly nice, I have a new appreciation for nice people at the post office.

That night my work friends from AE were going to this one bar Sugar and my friend from my other work was going there too but I didn't have anyone to go with. My friend that I met in Chile was thinking about meeting up later, but I was sitting at home at not wanting to go to the bar by myself but then I just got over it and went and of course it was totally fine. Sugar has $5 peso well drinks til 12 so we took full advantage of that! We went to a club called Hummer later and my friend from Chile met up with me when I was there so that was fun. It was a good mix of every kind of music.

Ariane and her friend got back from their trip the next morning. I had locked the chain thing and was on the phone and heard talking but didn't realize it was them so they were waiting out there for a while. Our one activity for the day was getting ice cream. We went out to another really good restaurant called las cholas. And went back to sugar for some cheap drinks. We decided it is going to be our official pre bar. We went to asia de cuba, got back at 6. We went to San Telmo the next day, did the market shop, made a good dinner, ordered ice cream for delivery (i think the highlight of the weekend), and watched Benjamin Button.

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