Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Cait/Kate/lin/lyn's take on BA!

After Fede's asado, we went to a club, I went home from the club, and then Omar the taxi driver came to pick me up right away to go get Katelyn at the airport. I am sure I was quite the site to see while waiting for her at the airport, but what are you gonna do. I made her take a nap with me for a whole 2 hours and then we got up and went to San Telmo and a Tango show at Cafe Tortoni. I took her to La bomba del tiempo and the next day to La estancia. It was a farm outside of the city and it was gorgeous. We were the only guests there so we were treated like queens! Our room was upgraded, we had a fire going the whole time, we got to ride horses (kinda...the horses didn't really like us!), watched polo, and got served meal after meal. I went on a run the next morning and I finally was breathing fresh air and the only thing I could hear were cows and sheep. What a change from the big city.

I took Katelyn to Liquid, the club with free beer on Wednesdays. And boy did she take advantage. She might have had one too many though and then the rest of the night went downhill. Lets just say she was asked to leave and I got to be the lucky one to take her home. lol. The next night we had a Postre party at our house and all of our friends brought their favorite dessert. It was fun but by the end of the night Annalise and I were making rice with soy sauce cuz we were so sweeted out. There was even voting and prizes for the winner. Brighton, my roommate, is all about the theme parties so we have had one almost every week.

Friday, Kate and I went over to my old office, Dimnet, and celebrated Annalise's last day of work. We had sangria and hung out with the coworkers which was interesting to see them in a social setting. We went out to sugar that night and katelyn continued to enjoy her stay in Buenos Aires;D We all ate takeout on my bed the next day and didn't leave until it was time for the next party...a beer pong party! Another all argentine party with katelyn and I and so I had to be the teacher of the beer pong. I even managed to talk shit in spanish (my favorite part of the whole game). To end the whole perfect weekend, we went to a River Plate futbol match. We were sitting in a calmer section than I did at the Independiente game, so it was different but still amazing. I love futbol.

Katelyn was off the next day and I think she had a fun time...I was glad I got to show her Buenos Aires from more of the "Portena" view. She even got to practice her spanish a lil and I was so glad my friend from home got to see my life here. Now I can't wait to get home and see all my friends and fam in one week!!!!

La vida...

Well, lets see what have I done that is interesting. Annalise and I went to Uruguay for a couple days. We had different boat trips to get there since it was so booked up, but she stood on stand by and at the last minute got on the boat and surprised me. It was meant to be. We were nervous about where to meet and what to do if not since our phones didn't work but everything works out in the end. We went to Colonia and ate, then went to Montevideo and ate some more. We even got to go to this market that you could sit at a bar and order whatever steak you wanted. I guess we ate at the same one that Anthony Bordaine ate at. I guess he is some famous travel channel man and Annalise and this other touristy american woman were all excited about it. It was a fun, relaxed trip, but we left with about 20 mosquito bites each from our hostel. yuck.

What else. I took another week of school to prepare for the test I am going to take that proves I can speak spanish as a second language. My teacher was super fun and we talked lots about celeb gossip. I even brought her one of my magazines and she was in heaven. We also talked about Argentine men and how they always hoot and holler at you on the street. The other day this man told me something about eating chicken out of my hand when i walked by. I knew it was supposed to be something flattering but was so confused, why the heck would u want to eat chicken out of my hand??? I then asked my friend from here and he told me what they really said, "estas mas buena que comer pollo de la mano" which means you are better than eating chicken from my hand (i guess they love eating chicken with their hands? weird i know.) My friend told me to reply, "no te toco ni con un palo" which means i wouldnt even touch you with a stick! haha kind of harsh but funny. I still haven't said that to anyone, it might be too mean.

I went to my first real asado (bbq) at my friend Federico's house. He made every kind of meat there is and we all sat around, ate meat, drank some drinks, and it was so fun. I also went to a party at my other friend, Guillermo's, house and it was the first time I was with only people from Argentina. I loved it because I got to speak spanish the whole night and see how they party. Usually I am with people from all over and we are speaking broken spanish to each other or the others speaking broken english (who i am kidding, my english is pretty broken these days too!).

Thursday, April 2, 2009

La vida simple...

I finished dimnet the week before and now just one week left of AE and then I begin the last month of fun... Since I only worked AE this week I had time for more exciting things so, Annalise and I had a girls day out. We went waxing and she had never gone before and we are in rooms across from each other and all I hear is wax rip off and Annalise yell, "OH MY GOD!!" This didn't stop until she was done, I was cracking up. Then we decided to get manicures since that was a little more on the relaxing side. To continue our girly day, we went to see "Simplemente no te quiere" which is the movie "He's just not that into you". She is a cheesy girly movie lover like me so it worked out just great. Then, we went to my home away from home, California Burrito Company, and had taco tuesday and analyzed every boy story we have (in lieu of the movie of course!) We continued our week of fun by trying to go salsa dancing the next night, but I heard it started at 9:30 but it actually started at 9. Back-up plan turned out to be sitting drinking sangria at this cute restaurant. We can try salsaing another time. Since I normally work at Dimnet thursdays, I didn't have work and went shopping! what a surprise, I know. I was going to this one purse outlet that my friend told me about and it turns out the whole area was outlet shopping. I was in heaven on earth for a full day and I even found my leather jacket that I have long been searching for. I have tried it on in the little boutique like 3 times now but still thinking about it, then I walked into this random leather shop and found the exact same one for half the price! It was obviously meant to be so i bought it. I also found a coffee shop that day that had CHAI TEA! It came it a pot with the tea, a seperate thing of milk, and a pot of honey. It was the cutest arrangement ever and I was so happy. But, it does remind me of my desire to sit on my porch at my beach house and drink a linda's chai latte. I came home and Brighton was making his famous no-bake cookies that night and we overate but they were oh so worth it.

The infamous friday night party came and the theme was Edward 40 hands! Annalise and I decided we wanted to have a tacky north american party, and the facebook invite read:

"When the typical sloppy north american drinkers get together in casual rendezvous , we don't carry a 12 ounce beer while tastefully attending a pleasant soiree, we duct tape 40 ounces otherwise known as a liter to each one of our hands in praise and glory of the infamous Edward Scissorhands. okay, after the first liter you may have to pee, smoke a cigarette, or itch a place i'd rather not know, but the race is on and the only way you can win is to DRINK.

SO-bring two liters of quilmes (or your choice beer) and we'll provide the duct tape, drinking lessons,appetizers and a ridiculous night you're bound to forget."

Everyone from work came and of course we (me, Brighton, and Annie) taped our beers to both hands but a lot of people just taped it to one. I had no control over this though because my hands were occupied. It was good fun, everyone enjoyed it and liked the idea.

On Saturday, I had a fun house part to go to for my friend Pablo's birthday and Sunday I didn't get much accomplished. But, Annie went to barrio chino and decided to make an asian feast and it was great. The even better part was watching our argentine friend, Guerillmo, eat it because it was obviously food he was not used to. He told us that all he eats is pizza, pasta, steak, milanesa, and hamburgers. I do not think he will be eating with us again!

This week I had an epiphany and I realized how much I enjoy my simple life. I am not crazy busy and have time to do things I want to do. I do not have a ton of friends, but I have good quality friends. I get to go do things by myself and don't feel the need to invite someone. I need to remember this when I get home, when I do not want to do something, just don't do it, and don't feel like I should just because I am going to miss out on something. Ahh the joys of this wonderful trip I am taking...everyone said you will learn so much about yourself and I was like ya whatever, but really I have and am exited to come home with a new attitude towards life.